Free Art Shops

Take a supply, leave a supply, make good art!

What is a Free Art Shop?

Based on the concept of Little Free Libraries, Free Art Shops are cabinets and shelves around our Salt Lake City community for finding and leaving free arts and crafts supplies. They help us de-clutter our own art stashes, find affordable (free!) supplies for our next projects, and bring people in our neighborhood together through art and generosity. 

How does it work?

You can visit a Free Art Shop any time, so long as the place it’s located at is open. If there is room on the shelf, you may leave any arts and crafts supplies you don’t want anymore. If you see any supplies you want to use, take them, for free! The only things that are NOT allowed are trash, broken or dirty items, hazardous materials, or items not related to arts and crafts. All ages, skills, and interests are invited to enjoy your local Free Art Shop!

Salt Lake City Arts Council
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